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2012-08-08 15:42

Absolutely horrific! Just HOW can people enjoy watching animals suffering.THIS has got to stop. For a while I liked to go for a holiday to Spain but this makes me feel so sick that I now wouldn't want to go there even if someone paid me for it.



2012-08-08 15:43

Such senseless torture. Shame on the Spanish people who are actually entertained by such cruel merciless torturing of an innocent creature. Shame on you. Its disgusting! Such a heartless culture. :((



2012-08-08 15:58

no words for such cruelty just no words :(



2012-08-08 16:14

This horrific "tradition" must stop! Those images of mutilated animals still running and struggling for their lives is haunting! All in the name of entertainment..humans should be ashamed of themselves. I do not envy those humans on judgment day... They will get their just reward for the cruelty and pain they have caused to innocent animals.


2012-08-08 16:35

This is beyond disgusting. How can people enjoy watching something so gruesome? Shame on all of you, you dont deserve to live.



2012-08-08 16:53

Gross and sick. These animals are not here for humans entertainment and greed. This is a horrific act and these disgusting excuses for humans take their kids to see this horror...Sickening



2012-08-08 19:34

Bullfighting is horribly barbaric and needs to end!



2012-08-08 19:54

This has got to be the most horrific,disgusting horrendous "tradition" I have EVER seen in my life!!! THIS MUST BE STOPPED NOW!!! How can anyone even call themselves a human being and take part in this HORROR??!?!?!?!



2012-08-08 20:00

el mundo necesita un cambio...mientras permitamos el "disfrute" de deplorables actos de tortura, sevicia y crueldad contra los animales pagaremos el "karma" que ello genera en enfermedades, dolor, guerras y muerte que estos abominables actos generan...y lo pagamos todos...

#2160 acabemos con el maltrato y masacre animal...

2012-08-08 20:02

mientras en el mundo permitamos estoa actos de sevicia, tortura y masacre de animales inocentes pagaremos un alto precio en enfermedades, dolor, guerras y muerte...pagaremos el "karma" quee stos abominables actos generan y...lo pagamos todos...



2012-08-08 21:51

For one, I have never seen this activity as a sport. If you must fight something to the death, at least make it a fair fight. These bulls have no weapons that are not part of them, I feel bullfighters should go in the same way, only with what they are. Secondly, after seeing some of the pics, I must be honest, I got a little giddy when the "fighters" got gored by the bull, unfortunately, I also know that even when the bull wins, he still loses. It's things like this that make me sick. I think of this as well as the Japanese slaughtering whales and dolphins and the people in Norway (I think) doing the same thing. This is what's supposed to announce "manhood". I don't think so. It sickens me that this is acceptable by certain societies, and makes me wonder what path we're heading down as a civilization and a people. Torturing anything should NEVER be entertaining for any reason. If you're going to kill an animal for food, don't make it suffer, if you think hunting is a sporting event, you're dead wrong. You people make me sick.



2012-08-08 23:14

Am weeping as I write this.
PLEASE , PLEASE , PLEASE put an end to this barbaric spectacle that is called sport .



2012-08-08 23:42

Desculpas...mas não domino o idioma "ingles".....
Mas de qualquer forma..temos sim...que protestar por essa "barbarie"....PARABÉNS pelo iniciador deste protesto....



2012-08-09 01:12

Os Touros são património da humanidade, como todos nós e restantes animais... encontros de tortura de animais, coomo são as touradas, nunca poderão ser património de coisa alguma a não ser da loucura e da mente distorcida!



2012-08-09 01:13

Horrible horrible Horrible.. Spain Gvt- You are a dignified government, we like the country but this bloody sport has to stop. A nation is known for the love and care it shows for its people and animals alike. This is no culture at all.



2012-08-09 03:31

Please this cruelty towards bulls and horses must stop, I am portuguese and I am very ashamed that my country supports this, bullfigghting is cruel, unethical and uncultural. Bulls must be protected not tortured!



2012-08-09 04:23

Protect Life!! Stop killing animals for fun!!



2012-08-09 04:49

discussing we even have to sign a petition to stop cruelty to our beauty animals god put on this earth.



2012-08-09 07:02

As barbaric as the lions and tigers turned loose
On the Christians or others in the days of the Romans.



2012-08-09 07:46

I signed this petition with a passion for the rights of innocent animals.
This uncivilized, ancient cruel tradition needs to stop forever.



2012-08-09 09:25

Por um Mundo repleto de Amor. Pelas Pessoas, Animais. Plantas. Pela Terra.



2012-08-09 10:40

this is very cruel and should be stop.



2012-08-10 01:38

What can one say about something this terrible? This shit needs to stop, unreal that it's happening in this day and age.



2012-08-10 01:46

Bullfighting is pure torture for innocent animals who suffer for "entertainment". Please stop this cruelty



2012-08-10 08:27

people who are involved in bullfighting are deserving of death