Carta sobre situación en España y Cataluña



I'm signing because I want to contribute with a fair information for our foreiner colleages

(Albacete, 2017-11-13)


I´m signing because the letter "Upholding the rule of Law" is totally inadmissible and inaccurate and conveys a distorted interpretation of the situation in Spain.

(Getafe, 2017-11-13)


Josefa cantero

(Albacete, 2017-11-13)


Spain is a real democracy

(Salamanca, 2017-11-13)


Just the truth

(Granada, 2017-11-14)


Brilliant letter in defence of the truth and the constitutional rights of every single Spanish citizen. Thank you, Profs. de Carreras and de Miguel!

(Toledo, 2017-11-14)


In my view, the letter should have acknowledged that there were some cases of excessive use of force by the Spanish police during the referendum on October 1st; that however limited, these cases of excessive use of force were unwarranted and intolerable; and also that they are being investigaged right now by a judge, which proves the main point of the letter--the Spanish legal system continues to work under the rule of law. For the rest, I entirely endorse this petition.

(Madrid, 2017-11-14)


The signatories of the letter on 31 October show a true ignorance of Spain’s Constitution and Spanish law.Their conclusions are biased and based on erroneous facts

(Valencia, 2017-11-14)


These people are either misinformed, or do not want to be informed, or simply act as banal people who sign anything that makes them seem "progressive". Its political action is to support the most reactionary and anti-european attitude and deny the rule of law and the democratic will of millions of Spaniards in a Constitution massively voted by the Catalan electors

(MADRID, 2017-11-14)


I'm signing because of ... worry about the rule of law in Spain and in Europe.

(Bochum, 2017-11-14)


Albrecht Weber

(Osnabrück, 2017-11-15)


La campaña de desprestigio y de difamación contra España puesta en marcha por los líderes independentistas carece de fundamento jurídico alguno y solo pretende obtener de forma ilícita, mediante las calumnias vertidas, coaccionar al Estado para cumplir sus objetivos de secesión al margen de la Ley

(Barcelona, 2017-11-16)


I am signing because the degree of disinformation is appalling. And trivialization of human rights and the rule of law is to be avoided, if Europe is to protect its moral and intellectual heritage, never so much in danger since 1939.

(Pamplona, 2017-11-17)


Artículo 2
La Constitución se fundamenta en la indisoluble unidad de la Nación española, patria común e indivisible de todos los españoles, y reconoce y garantiza el derecho a la autonomía de las nacionalidades y regiones que la integran y la solidaridad entre todas ellas.

(ROMA, 2017-11-17)


Le gobierno de Cataluña ha incumplido lama constitución de España.

(Cordoba, 2017-11-17)


I support self-determination of oppressed peoples, not opulent peoples, specially when leaded by supremacists

(Albacete, 2017-11-17)


Coincido con la valoración que hacen los autores de la situación en Cataluña

(Malaga, 2017-11-17)


Creo que solo se han contado mentiras sobre la crisis catalana y ya va siendo hora de aclarar articulos, discursos y declaraciones totalmente erroneas que solo persiguen confunfir a los ciudadanos, tanto de Cataluña, como de España.

(Madrid, 2017-11-23)


Estoy de acuerdo con el texto

(Madrid, 2017-11-24)