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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#17022012-06-24 14:45what you call "culture and tradition" it's only a shame and a useless killing of animals! |
Huésped |
#17032012-06-24 15:03things like this should be banned forever and everywhere, it's a crime and doesn't mean nothing in "culture" exept that who do things like this has to see a good doc as soon as possible.......... |
Huésped |
#17052012-06-24 21:43i really hope this is an effective effort to eliminate this form of mindless slaughter. |
Huésped |
#17062012-06-24 22:11Blood sports must stop we are far to civilized for this behavior against precious animals. They feel pain and fear and the evil released by these practices is real and hurting our entire consciousness. Act now and stop Bull Fighting. |
Huésped |
#17072012-06-25 04:50Please, have mercy with the animals, they don't deserve to suffer just for the joy of the elite |
Huésped |
#17082012-06-25 06:18Bullfighting is cruel torture to an animal. It's not entertainment! |
Huésped |
#17092012-06-25 06:32This is barbaric! Killing an innocent animal for sport! How about we put you in the ring and stab you, cut your spinal cord!! As a US citezen with Spanish blood in my bloodline I am asking, importing that the Spanish Government stop this barbaric act. This is 2012 , not ancient times It's time to end this sencless cruel act. The world Is watching Spain as well as other countries that are cruel to animals. This practice of abusing animals has to stop. |
Huésped |
#17102012-06-25 09:32We should as human beings and the supposedly superior species be evolved enough to show compassion and love not only to our fellow humans but to all creatures. we should be intelligent and educated enough to leave behind such barbaric practised in the name of sport..... |
Huésped |
#17122012-06-25 13:20this is so sad, please stop the cruelty this animals did not chose to be part of this '' games'' this is so wrong you cant kill a living being for a ''sport, game''. Please stop this!!!! |
Huésped |
#17132012-06-25 14:05signed and cancled my vacation to spain! I will not go in a country that treats there animals like this! |
Mari |
#1714 Re:2012-06-25 18:19I cannot believe, the picture I've just seen, I knew these people tortured these animals to death and I'm ashamed to say I've not let myself to think about it. Why are these so called noble Matadors held in such revere! They are just evil sadists, dressed in fancy suits. SHAME ON YOU SPAIN, for glamorising this evil "sport" Shame on you, shame on your government! |
Mari |
#1715 Re: UNESCO’s World Intangible Cultural heritage2012-06-25 18:36#133: Ernst - UNESCO’s World Intangible Cultural heritage I agree, this evil practice must be stopped. With Metta. |
Huésped |
#17162012-06-25 19:06Victor Hugo a dit : Torturer un Taureau pour le plaisir, pour l'amusement, c'est beaucoup plus que torturer un Animal, c'est torturer une conscience. Comment l'on peut dire que le sport est un art qui fait couler le sang ? Non corrida basta. |
Huésped |
#17192012-06-26 02:17“Como custodios del planeta es nuestra responsabilidad tratar a todas las especies con amabilidad, amor y compasión. Que estas criaturas sufran la crueldad humana va más allá del entendimiento. Por favor ayuda a detener esta locura.” Richard Gere (actor) “Hemos esclavizado y maltratado tanto al resto de la creación que, si pudieran formular una religión, sin lugar a dudas representarían al demonio con nuestra forma.” William Ralph Inge (teólogo británico) “La crueldad con los animales, es uno de los vicios distinguibles de las mentes básicas y pobres. Dondequiera que sea encontrada, es un claro signo de ignorancia y maldad." Sir William Jones |
Huésped |
Huésped |
#17222012-06-26 13:13Stierkampf ist eine extrem verabscheungswuerdige und zu verachtende Show.Sie ist bestialisch und zeigt nur ,wie minderwertig der Mensch denkt und handelt. Das Tier ist in keinsterweise ohne eine echte Chance und hier denkt der Mensch dass er ueber das Geschoepf triumphieren kann und der angeblich staerkere ist aber er ist nur ein dummer und bestialischer, boeser Affe in Verkleidung.Ich bin fuer die sofortige Abschaffung dieser Stierkaempfe!!!!Zum Wohl der Stiere!!!!! |
Huésped |
#17232012-06-26 20:53Cruelty to any animals to any degree is disgusting... and they call this a sport? Treat the matador the way they treat the bull and see what his chances would be in a ring. |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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